Tuesday, 11 November 2014

7 Reasons Why You Need the Coconut Tree

At home I have several trees and plants, most of which bear different fruits. My blogs aim to share with you real pictures of these trees and plants and the fact that through research, I discovered that I was doing the right thing all along because there are immense health benefits in consuming these fruits. Maybe after reading, you might consider planting these trees at home.   Many people ask of my age and when I tell them, they become surprised. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a vegetarian. I eat everything but in moderation and ensure that I do lots of exercise and eat a lot of these fruits mostly as desert, as well. I do not remember the last time I visited the hospital and I believe that nature has provided us with a lot of solutions which we tend to overlook.

 I start with my coconut tree
which I planted a few years ago.  Planting a coconut tree is simple. Find a dried coconut fruit and place it in a mushy area. If you don’t have a mushy area at home, you can simply create one by just turning a soil spot in your backyard. Pour bucket of water on the soil and place the dry coconut fruit on it like this 
. Simply ensure that there is a constant supply of water on the spot so that the place never dries. In no time, coconut leaves will sprout out and then you can choose a spot and plant it.

Here are seven reasons why you should have a coconut tree. Even if it’s not a tree favourable in your climate, there are still several coconut products out there that you can benefit from albeit I must say, the natural and undiluted state provides best results .I talk from personal experience.

1.      Instead of storing body fat coconut is utilized by the body to produce energy. Endurance is therefore highly improved with the intake of coconut. It’s particularly good for gym workouts and also for athletes so one can substitute water with coconut juice instead, during these sessions. Next time you are going to the gym, replace your bottled water with some coconut juice and notice the difference.
  1. Naturally, the energy that coconut provides leads to an increase in metabolism.  It is absolutely possible to eat coconut and go for long hours without food.
3.      Coconut has the ability to improve digestion, reduce inflammation and cut out bowel disorders through the absorption of various nutrients.
4.       It also replenishes the skin and prevents wrinkles (I can personally testify to this) It further provides dietary fiber which is very beneficial to general weight lose and digestion.
5.      Coconut has several anti-microbial properties which aids the body in its defense against diseases. By anti-microbial, I mean anti-fungi, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic properties that boost the body’s immune system in defense against diseases.
6.      Coconut eaten in any form has the ability to help in the absorption of calcium and magnesium which are responsible for strong bones and teeth.  Have some more coconut be protected against osteoporosis further in life.
7.      Finally, some Rastafarians have claimed that washing the hair with coconut juice and applying coconut oil to it, provides great condition, improves hair growth and prevents hair breakage.

Next time you have lunch or breakfast, ensure you have some sliced nut from coconut as your desert. If you have the tree and you pluck the fruit, there’s a simple method of extracting the juice and the nut. You can simply use a sharp knife or machete to skin the entire fruit, and then locate three tiny spots through which you can pierce a hole:
 insert a drinking straw and just suck away: 
 After that, simply cut open the entire fruit and eat the nut:
 Alternatively, you can simply trim of the husk from the bottom part of the fruit, cut off a round lid just at the edge and drink the juice: 

 Afterwards you can simply use a spoon to scoop out the fruit and enjoy.