Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Four Reasons Why You Should Play A Musical Instrument As A Hobby


 I love music! Are there people alive who hate music, really? I love musical instruments but the guitar is my favourite. You may ask why? What at all is good about playing the guitar? I get asked by friends who do not see the reason why I ‘waste’ my time on a guitar. I say, a lot! I have been playing the guitar for several years as a hobby, not in a band and I still consider myself a learner because I discover new things everyday; afterall I am not Jimi Hendrix, though I would love to be, lol. I have discovered a lot about myself since I bought my first guitar and started playing. I would love to learn how to play other instruments also but for now the guitar is what I know and it has been very good to me in several ways. Some people think that all that people with guitar want is to look ‘swag, hot and cool’ but there’s more to a guitar than that. If you love the instrument but have doubts about how it can contribute to
your well-being, consider these points.


The guitar has been my number one stress killer, believe me. Back then, when I was under a lot of stress from my work or social life, I would spend money on drinking with the hope it might calm me down. This only acted as temporary solace as I was to discover. As doctors would tell you, this may have damaged a few organs. What do you do under stress? Do you drink, smoke or indulge in any social vice? Well then, you better a get guitar and start learning right away. I didn’t know this until I started practicing. I realized that anytime I am under stress and played my guitar, I always get this happy feeling which washes my stress away permanently. Therefore I stopped drinking under stress and I am sure I have saved my organs too; a glass of wine, every now and then, socially is cool though, lol. I say, ‘get a guitar and save some organs’!