The guitar is a great instrument as you
all know. It is fun and enjoyable to play especially when after learning notes
and chords, you manage to play some of your favourite tracks. As a beginner,
there are a few must-have equipments to aid you in your lessons. I
call them the ‘six must-have guitar tools’ for
every beginner. You would find most of them in your local music store or
even better still, on an online store like EBay where there are some great
bargains. There are a lot more tools that you would need later on as you master
but before you begin, you need these six tools.
Unless you have
mastered guitar playing or you are an expert and can tune the strings ‘perfectly’
with your ears, you would need one of these. It is the Electric Guitar Tuner. It’s a small electrical equipment that helps
you tune the strings EBGDAE to sound correctly so that you can get the perfect
sound out of the chords. It comes in different shapes and forms. There are some
pretty expensive ones but a good one for a beginner should not cost beyond $20.
Some come with an attached internal microphone that can pick the sound of your
acoustic guitar and direct you to tune it properly. In the case of an electric
guitar it can be directly plugged in to help you tune the strings perfectly.
The name says it all. Depending on
where you bought your guitar, it may have come with a case or not. If it came
with one, then great you have no problem but if it didn’t you may want to get
one. Of course, it serves the basic purpose of helping you carry your guitar
with you wherever you wish to go with it but also most importantly, it
preserves the guitar from changing temperatures, rain or snow. There are the
hard shell cases made of either wood or chip board and also padded cases. The
hard shell cases because of their wooden component tend to protect the guitar
from any external pressure and would keep your guitar very safe but personally,
I prefer the padded cases because I find it more stylish hanging my guitar over
my shoulders. Whichever you choose is fine based on your preferences. If your
preference is the hard shell cases then you’re looking at something around $90
for a good one but if like me, you prefer the padded cases then you are looking
at something around $40 for a waterproof padded case.
4. A
The Metronome is a small equipment
you would need as well. It’s an equipment that helps you practice your play at
a required tempo. There is a regulator with which you can use to alternate the
tempo as required during a practice. There are different types, some mechanical
with a ‘tick tock’ sound like ‘grandpa’s’ antique clock, others electrical with
a beeping or clicking sound. My personal choice is the electronic metronome
with the clicking sound. I tend to associate its sound with the tapping of the
foot when music is playing and so it makes it really convenient for practicing,
that is why I would recommend that type. I find the beeping Metronome a lot
more distractive because to me, it sounds like a clock alarm but who knows, you
might associate that sound with something positive and find it more convenient.
Just try them all and find which one would work for you. For the beginner a basic electronic Metronome should
cost a paltry $ 8.
5. A
The Capo is another equipment that you would need but not necessarily
in your first month of learning. In a layman’s explanation, it is usually a
small equipment that is hooked to a guitar to press down the strings on a
particular fret in order to increase the tension and change the sound of the
notes. You may need it later when you actually start learning chords and
practicing songs that require one. There
are different types and brands out there but for a beginner a simple Capo would
do. Most of them are standard but there are some specifically made for acoustic
guitar and others for electric guitars so you need to be specific or you would
buy the wrong Capo. A Capo in the
range of about $5 should do for now. The good thing about this equipment is
that, it is the one guitar equipment that you can improvise at home if you
can’t afford the original (more on this later).
In my previous blogs on guitar for
beginners, I have talked about how as a beginner, you would need to do some
finger exercising. As a beginner, your fingers may not be strong enough to
endure long practicing therefore, you would need one of these. Your ‘pinky’ is
usually your weakest finger and may need a lot of exercising. Also your fore
finger would require some special exercising when you start playing Barre
Chords because that’s the finger you would mostly be using. Generally however
your entire fingers would need regular exercising and so the Finger exerciser
is an important tool for a beginner. You can find a video in my previous blog
on how to exercise your fingers as a beginner. This equipment comes in
different forms but they are all effective. With $6 dollars you should get a
good one.
These in my opinion, are the basic equipments, apart
from the guitar that a beginner needs to start off right. You can if you wish
add a stand where you can place all these equipments so that they are easily accessible
when needed. Feel free to share, comment or ask any question.
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