Wednesday, 25 February 2015

How Antiquity Saved My Day (A True Story)

It was a hot and humid night in November, 2014, later to be cooled at midnight by dew and some cool wind blowing through my window which rendered my hot-wind blowing standing fan useless. I was awoken at 1: am by cobra (my dog) with loud barks. I spied through my half closed louvers to ensure everything was alright. It was then that I realized the whole neighbourhood was in stack darkness. I yelled in my head, “ECG (Electricity Company of Ghana, the company that supplies electricity to everyone in my country) has done it again”!. Jeez we have only had 6 hrs of uninterrupted power supply for the past 24 hrs, 3 hrs of which was midnight when we have no ‘use’ for electricity so why the hell would E.C.G. do this to us, I asked. A lot of you, except in emergency situations, may not be familiar with electricity rationing but this is a common phenomenon in my country. This is a continent with abundant sunshine and wind yet no one sees the need to invest in solar, wind or any other alternative energy.

The night before, I had gone to bed with great eagerness and anticipation of the next day because of a job interview I had. I had been advised then to press a shirt or two for E.C.G. can’t be trusted. Yet I was adamant that, once we have not had electricity all day, there was no way E.C.G. was going to turn us off again. After all, the entire schedule was 36 hrs of power, 12hrs of none but alas I was proven wrong. I resigned myself to fate; the fact that I would have to wear crumpled shirt and trousers to the interview. I had failed in advance or so I thought. Or wait a minute, there was another option. I could arrange my clothes in a straightened position under my mattress and sleep on it, like we did in high school, on days we failed to iron our uniforms though we knew we wouldn’t have electricity the next day.

My antique box iron

Then it hit me like a thunder. The old box, yes the old antique box iron must be somewhere!! I need to find it and bring it back to life. It could be my best savior in this time of turmoil. Into the store room I run, scurrying through everything in my way and there it was; the good old antique!! I picked it up with care. It looked rusty, dusty old and rickety. It doesn’t matter, I will clean, polish and tighten the screws. Then I will whip up some fire with charcoal. My imagination was running wild with pictures of heat and sweat all over my body but it was worth it for in the end, it was problem solved!! That was how my day was saved by antiquity where modern technology, coupled with human indiscretion, failed me. I love technology and I am probably the biggest fan of it yet somehow on occasions like these, I sometimes tend to shudder what would happen if technology breaks down. .

These are but a few of my antique stuff

As a hobby, I keep some antique at home but also for a ‘paranoiac’ reason in case technology fails and I need to go back to the ‘cave age’. So for example, I still have my old cassette player and LP turn table player just in case any of the new technologies for music playing fails. I still keep my hard copy CDs just in case my external hard drive crushes and oh, that includes the old video cassette player. I still have my old camera with some film in case my digital camera fails one day. I even still maintain my knowledge of how to light fire with two stones if I can’t find the lighter. I have my cutlass to clear the compound of weeds if the mower fails. Technology is moving very fast. It is said that the technology you have today would have changed by tomorrow and so would be obsolete. As I sit and ponder what a day I have had, I keep wondering what will happen one day if all these technologies fail us? Every time I am tempted to send these ‘antiques’ to the junk yard, I am reminded of this question. If for nothing at all I just love keeping me some antiquities as souvenirs at least and who knows when they may come in handy. Do you keep, collect or deal in antiques? Have any of them saved your day in recent times? I would be glad to hear you share your story. 

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